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Cottontail living in our home 2 1/2 years now

22 11:15:41

Hi Dana,
Bunny wants me dead again and I don't know why. We've had this wild rabbit in our home living under my sons bed for about 2 1/2 years now. We brought it in to die when our dog/cat brought it to our door when it was very young. We just wanted to make it as comfortable as we could. Didn't die. Bottle fed it at first and then a failed attempt at reintroduction. So here she is. It seems that once in the spring and once in the fall she changes. Very aggressive to me and pooping and peeing throughout the house instead of the litterbox like normal. This is a real problem. My question is is this a mating/hormonal issue? I feed and care for bunnyrat and we get along great usually. When she sees me she ALWAYS runs to me and I stroke her nose and head and usually we play. Everything is just fine until she has a Sybil like change. Picture this - my wife at any time - even now - can go to the bunny and the bunny will go on hind legs while my wife scratches her stomach for as long as my wife wants to. A wild rabbit. Licks and bunny kisses for my wife and 8 year old son/roommate and the rabbit will stalk me from room to room nipping and scratching (I do have previous scars. Lucky for bunny that doesn't bother me) while staring defiantly at me while I scold - no more nose taps. This seems to happen once in the spring and fall. I can bring in another loaded plate of food and the rabbit will greet me, check the offerings, sample the food then turn on me - running circles around me while still chewing. I know all the differences in nips and in pawing. They are usually light and playful and bunnys way of trying to tell me something. Now she is running around me and spraying pee on me as a challenge. Please tell me this will pass and the little goofball will return to her normal litterbox using docile self. This HAS to be hormonal. A couple other notes - this rabbit has a virtual buffet of food offerings each day. She will literally smack a cut up regular carrot out of my hand if offered. Raised on baby carrots and is not happy with less. A wild rabbit. Most behavioral issues seem to be food related. Dandelion greens are demanded. I drive a lot anyway but can't tell you how many times I've stopped on a country road to pick freaking dandelions when I spot a good patch away from farmers fields so little precious bunnyrat won't ingest pesticides. I keep a paper bag in my car just for this for God's sake. And I'M the one being stalked and attacked? My wife gets bunny kisses while wanting the rabbit OUT. In your opinion, is this something that will again pass? I've brought out the cage again and put bunny outside for an hour as a reminder (this was the cage I bought and used when I tried to reintroduce bunny to the wild after she was old enough. Didn't work at all but she knows the cage and knows it means OUTSIDE). Message sent and bunny is once again inside. And very relieved to be. Please share again with me your knowledge of these wild creatures. The 3:00AM calls of "Mom - bunny peed again" and subsequent bedding stripping and washing are getting very tense. Bunny is claiming ownership, I understand but I'm about to bust out the cage for another wake up call. Finally, the reason why I'm so commited to this rabbit. It has adjusted to being in our home far more than could be expected and I have tried to adjust to its needs as I would to any pet within reason. The problem is this rabbit TRUSTS me. We have 3 humans, 6 cats and a wild rabbit in a pretty small log cabin. There are blind spots and a tile floor for the rabbit to get back to my sons room after wandering the rest of the house- the natural instincts tell her this is dangerous. When I know she wants to go back in to the room but is nervous I will go to the blind spot and tell her its ok. I have tested different voice inflection and tone - it doesn't matter. There could be a gauntlet of cats and if I'm there and say its ok, the rabbit will casually hop to the room. Slowly on a tile (slippery - no traction. Each time I see a dead rabbit on the road I can hear claws trying to get traction) floor and unconcerned about the blind spot. Always. That's why I'm so commited. If any human or animal displays that type of trust in me I will do anything I can to help them. Any insight you have is appreciated.

Hi, Brian

I love hearing your cottie stories.  What a lucky bunny!

And yes, I heartily agree that her episodes are hormonal in nature.  Why she's chosen you as her punching bag is anyone's guess.  Maybe she sees you as the Alpha who needs to be told she's boss?  Maybe because she wants to breed, and you're a male, and you've not doing your JOB...(okay, let's not go there.).

I do think the aggressive episode will resolve, if it always does.  But if it doesn't, then the only answer will be to have her spayed. That will put a stop to the frustration she's feeling, and the grouchiness.  The problem will be to find a vet locally who is familiar enough with rabbit medicine to be able to spay her, and also who won't cause problems with the "you have to have a permit for wildlife" thing.  You can try this list for a vet:

But otherwise, I'd wait it out and meet her grouchiness with the usual love and understanding you've always shown her.  You have to admire her spirit!  A little 1.5 kg cottontail taking on a big, 180+ pound primate (I'm assuming) has to have the heart of a lion!  :)

Take care,
