Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Male rabbit trobles

Male rabbit trobles

22 11:19:23

I've had my pet rabbit for almost 7 and a half monts now.i'm not a rabbit expert but all i know is he's a french lop and i don't know exatly what breed he is tho.he's male and very troublesome.he started sparying about early Feburay.It's been constend everscence,and now he's become very agrave against me.He's bitten me several times also brakeing the skin. I love my rabbit and i don't want to see him go.but his bitting and spraing as to stop.
                       Thanks alot

Dear Olivia,

The solution is very simple:  Have him neutered.  His behavior is absolutely normal for a young rabbit just reaching sexual maturity, and now is the time to have him "fixed" before his unpleasant behaviors become set.

Please read:


You can find a good rabbit vet to help you here:

Hope this helps!
