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Rabbit - sexing, breed ID

22 11:34:04

I was given a small rabbit today and am trying to find out a few things about it. Thank heavens for the internet! The people who gave it to me didn't know whether it is a male or female, and I'm not quite up on telling the difference in rodents. Supposedly this little guy or gal is around 2 years old, in the 2-3 lb range, mostly black with a narrow white collar part way around its neck and just a little white on its front paws. It's definitely not a dwarf holland because it doesn't have the short ears. Any ideas?

Wellto me your rabbit sounds like a Lop Eared rabbit. These rabbits can come in all sorts of colours and are great pets to have.

If you want to no if it is a girl or boy. Then just pick your rabbit up and have a look under his bum. If you dont see anything then it is a girl. If you something pointy then it is a boy.

I hope i have been able to help. Let me no if you need any more help with anything.

                from amie