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rabbit breeding and colors

22 11:06:53

hi i am trying to find stuff on the different colors of rabbits and what colors to breed to what i have found one in the past but it wasnt printable and i would like to print this for my records so you know of any books or sites that would have this information on mini rexes, english angoras, or mini lops i would appreciate your help on this thank you  

Hi Angie.  No sweetie, I have many many colors in my Rabbitry and I LOVE to play with them - my favorite litters are what I call rainbow litters - but to be truthful I have never read a site about colors.  What I know form experience is that you can get a throw back color at least 7 generations down the line - then I sit down with my records and try to find out where in the world did THAT come from.  FUN !

Try Google - " Rabbits Colors"