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My pet rabbit Shadow eye...

22 10:13:32

My rabbit Shadow has had a couple of times where his right eye is closed for a couple of hours and then it is open. Just when I think to take him to the vet after those couple hours he opens it and it is fine. There is no bulging of the eye or any mucous discharge. Can it be as simple as when eating,playing,or scratching he hit or irritated it? Should I be worried? (Like I am not already!) Thank you!

Hi Michele,

is he resting/sleeping when the eye is closed?  Or does he keep it closed while active?  

If he's doing this while doing things he normally wouldn't have his eye closed while doing, then this is abnormal and should have a rabbit vet look him over.  If he's sleeping or resting and that eye shuts a little more than the other, then maybe it is nothing.

But since YOU seem to think this is not something he always does, and it appears weird to you, I would assume that it is abnormal behavior, and therefore merits your regular good rabbit vet to check the eye out.  Having the eye closed a couple of hours is very long, in my opinion.  You just don't see them keeping just one eye shut that long.

Heck, make it your wellness exam if he hasn't been in to the vet in awhile.  There may be an irritant in the eye you can't see, or a scrape you don't see.  Besides your vet will have excellent topical meds for the eye that will prevent infections setting in.  And you will want to prevent this as their sinuses are so small and connected in the head area.

SO take him in, and I'd do it sooner than later.
