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Bunny Bonding help!

22 9:48:40

Hi Alice,

I actually just asked/received an answer from another bunny expert yesterday that can be viewed at this link However I do have a follow up question. I realized that not only is my female bunny mounting the male, she is also humping him. I bonded the two about 3 months ago, is this still ok behavior and still ok to keep them together?

Hi Dee

I read Mirella's answer and I agree with what she says.

My female mounts my buck, my cat, and even her own older baby. The baby was trying to assert herself and did something Mom didn't like and didn't my doe mount and humped her until she let out a little squeal and then she stopped and hasn't done it since.
This behaviour is very much a dominance issue among rabbits and so much so that their young offspring even understand it to mean business.

However, it becomes a problem when the buck is sexually driven and wanting the female to submit. Sometimes fighting will ensue and hair will rip out from where the rabbit bites down on either's back. If they are hurting each other or one is dominant over letting the other run freely and eat freely then I would consider separating.

How old is the male and how long ago was he fixed? It sometimes takes a month or longer for the males hormones to settle and in the process he goes through almost a ;menopause', as do the females while everything gets into a normal range. You may find that when some of his behaviour relaxes (whether it is witnessed or not) and once the point is made for him to leave her alone, then they both might stop this behaviour.

as long as both are happy and healthy and not fighting otherwise, I would give them the opportunity to overcome it.

Let me know if you have any further concerns.
