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Two male rabbits fighting

22 9:42:07

Hi, I have 3 rabbits that are 5 months old.  One female, white and not fixed. Two neutered, male, chinchilla colored.  They live partially in the chicken coop with their own living quarters and and a 30 x 30 fenced in yard with lots of greenery to eat. They do share the yard with 10 chickens (I keep it very clean)and they all get along fine. Late one evening, I went out to feed them and the two males were fighting. I was shocked.  I broke up the fight and they went to their own separate corners.  I checked them several times and saw they were still wanting to fight.  The next day they hid from each other and that evening, the fight began again.  This time they tore each other up.  I put one in a 4 x 5 cage in the same area, to keep them separated but still able to see each other and they are still bickering through the wire.  My question is; why did they start fighting and can I fix this. If I can fix this, how do I fix it?

Hi Annette

Sorry to hear of your problems!

Sadly rabbit bonds can break occasionally, and it is more likely in same sex bonds. There's no way to know exactly what triggered it, it could have been your little third wheel there, but once a bond does fracture and the rabbits are fighting, that's it. They will now need to be kept separately or else more fighting to could result even in fatal injuries. A spayed wifebun bonded with each would be the best solution but you may need to divide your yard up to do it safely. Or the other sad option would be to rehome one buck elsewhere, even if he maybe becomes a house bun or is rehomed to a friend or member of the family.

Once vicious fighting starts, the pair can be considered divorced unfortunately.
