Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My babies gender?

My babies gender?

22 9:43:36

Hi, i did see a person check a rabbit's gender and they can tell if it is a boy or girl..but i was wondering how? I want to tell my baby bunnies gender whether it is a boy or a girl? Can you send me a tutorial video or something clarifying exactly how to check if you rabbit/bunny is a boy or girl? The baby bunnies i want to check are 4 weeks. Please reply...


Dear Maimoonah,

At four weeks, it's very difficult to sex baby rabbits.  It will be a bit easier when they are old enough to be weaned at eight weeks.  Do not take them away from their mother before that time, or you risk their lives.

For tips on sexing, there are literally dozens and dozens of sources, including videos:

Please also read:


I hope this helps.
