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Veggies high in calcium

22 9:51:43

Dear Dana: My 5 year old new zealand was diagnosed with sludge in the urine 3 months ago, he got a catherization to drain his baldder and made a full recovery. The Vet told me that I have to be careful with his diet to prevent a relapse. I am not very sure if I am giving him the right veggies, I have done some research but each website that i checked has a differnet opinion so is very confusing. My rabbit runs free (plenty of excersice)eats unlimited timothy hay, less than a quarter of cup of timothy pellets a day  , and  drinks tons of watter. The veggies I am trying now are: Dandelions, Romain lettuce, curly endive,escarole, radish tops,carrots tops, arugula, celery, wheat grass. He eats 3 or 4 differentes types of veggies once a day at night.
Do you think those veggies are safe for his condition?
Thank you so much for your help.

Dear Mharsela,

Most experienced rabbit vets (and especially those who are considered experts in this area) no longer believe that bladder sludge is primarily a dietary problem.  Rather, rabbits with chronic sludge or tendency for stones appear to have metabolic bone disease that interferes with normal calcium metabolism.  Severely reducing calcium in their diet can actually do more harm than good, since they can't keep normal levels of calcium in their bones to begin with (and are excreting it via the urine, as rabbits normally do).

The veggies you list are safe, and dandelions in particular are good, as they have diuretic properties that can help keep your bunny peeing well and sludge moving through.  You may just have to monitor this chronic problem for his lifetime, and hope for the best.  I hope he continues to do well.

Take care,
