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rabbit back problems

22 10:27:22

QUESTION:  I have a young lionhead bunny that is dragging both her back legs. We think she may have broken her there any way we can help her. She doesn't seem at all in pain and is eating regularly. Is there some way she could heal??

ANSWER: Dear Trishelle,

A broken back or pelvis is very serious, and needs the attention of a good vet immediately.  Please find one here:

Rabbits generally don't spontaneously break their backs unless they have jumped from a high place and landed wrong.  So if you have children, it may be time to quiz them and see what might have happened.  If you can find out, this will help the vet.

If this did not come on suddenly, there can be other causes of hind limb paresis besides trauma.  You can read about them here:

But it is absolutely *critical* to get her to a vet immediately.  Consider this an emergency.  If this is due to trauma, prompt treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs and stabilization of any breaks are vital and must be done very soon, if she is to recover.

I hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Actually we were taking her to the fair so we had to give her an ear tattoo to show her. You are supposed to hold them while we were giving her the tattoo, she kicked...then she squealed and she couldn't move her legs....could it maybe be a hip dislocation?


Obviously, the problem is due to trauma.  A broken pelvis and/or back are very likely.  I'm amazed--to use the most polite word I can find--that you would try to tattoo her without anesthesia on such a highly innervated area.  I am not at all surprised that she would react this way, and am stunned that you would try this.

My instructions to you are the same:  get her to a good rabbit vet immediately.

I just can't bring myself not to comment on the cruelty of tattooing her ear without anesthesia, and also holding her down so hard that you broke her back or pelvis.  This is just unspeakable.

Please do the right thing and get her to a good rabbit vet.  I hope she will recover, and that you will handle her with more care and gentleness in the future.  For starters, please give up on the idea of showing her.  She has suffered enough already.
