Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bathing dwarf bunnies

bathing dwarf bunnies

22 10:04:18

could we take dwarf bunnies a bath?

Hi Jeanisely. I would not suggest that you give bunnies a bath. They do not dry fast like a dog and they will get very cold. If they are stained, you can take a damp washcloth, rub the area of the stain till it is damp and sprinkle cornstarch on the spot. Rub the cornstarch in and then let it dry. After it is dry brush it out. If this does not work try a little vinegar to dampen the spot and rub it in then the cornstarch. You can also rub over your bunny with a baby wipe. It will freshen the fur and make the bunny smell good. Hope this helps.  Pat