Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > head moving funny while eating

head moving funny while eating

22 11:14:39

I noticed about a week ago that my rabbit was eating funny. She'll gets the food in her mouth  it seems as if only the right side of her mouth is moving, and she'll tilt her head to the upper left while chewing. She only does it when she's eating and she never did it before. Could there be something wrong with her teeth or is there something more I should be concerned about? Thank You for your time.

Dear Shannon,

This sounds very much like signs you'd see if she's having dental problems, but they might not be evident upon casual exam.  Many rabbits develop molar problems that need to be addressed by a good rabbit vet:

Please also read:

for full information.  Please waste no time in getting this checked and treated, as such discomfort can foster worse health problems.

Good luck,