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Harness and Leash Training

22 10:33:58

Are certain breeds and sizes of rabbits more likely to do well on a lead?

Not to my knowledge, no.  It is the personality of the rabbit, and whether they can accept wearing a safety harness (it's not just a neck collar, but one that is more like a 'vest' that goes around the abdomen and shoulders.  Many rabbits do not like having something around them.  Some can get used to it.  

I am a very cautious person.  I would not walk anywhere with a rabbit outdoors except my own yard, and I'd be looking out for hawks and neighbor dogs constantly.  If they are indoor house rabbits and you want to take them outside, a covered/zipped pet carriage is the way to go.  My mom has one and she can take her guys out with her without worrying about things and they are big enough so that the back part is darker and covered and they've got a safe space to go to if they get scared.