Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Water in a rabbits nose.

Water in a rabbits nose.

22 10:32:48

I was giving my rabbit antibiotics and some went in his nose.  what do I do?

Hi Yalonda,

Your response to this event would be based on the exact antibiotic, how much was aspirated, how old your rabbit is, how much your rabbit weighs....and the reason you are giving antibiotics.  While is it never good to have fluid aspirate into the lungs, unless it is a very tiny baby or there was a huge amount being asprirated it propbably won't hurt much.  If you are treating a lower respiratory infection (such as conditions similar to pneumonia) it would be a major concern since there is already excess fluids in the lungs.  But if it's just a small amount and he isn't showing any breathing problems (shortness of breath, crackling noise in chest, etc.) he will most likely be OK.  If you can let me know what the antibiotic is and what he is being treated for, I can probably give you some info on what to look for just in case.  
