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Breeding Problem

22 10:54:30

I'm having a problem breeding. My one doe I thought was bred had a false pregency. It happend both times I tried with her. Now when I try to re-breed her sshe just starts grunting and almost hissing at the buck. I seperate thme right away. So I thought I would try another doe but she does the same thing. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or do my does just hate my buck?

Before breeding, you can check to see how receptive she is going to be. Look at her genitals. If her vulva is bright red or pink, she is most likely to both accept the male and get pregnant. If it is light pink, she will probably not accept the male. If it is purple-red, she will likely accept the male, but has less of a chance of getting pregnant.

You can also try to "get her in the mood" using some different tricks. You can try taking her for a car ride (especially while having an adult buck in the car). You can try housing her next to a male for a while. You can take her to a show. The changes (especially if accompanied by the smell of males) often will make a doe more receptive. Shows are quite notorious for getting does to want to mate, since there are so many new rabbit smells.

Some does, however, are just plain aggressive and grumpy. There is no other way to describe it. Some bucks are also rather timid, and the females can pick up on this, causing them to try to be dominant and aggressive toward him.