Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit might have eaten a cherry pit

Rabbit might have eaten a cherry pit

22 10:49:48

My rabbit got into the trash and may have eaten a cherry pit.  I am really not sure.  I heard some biting and then saw a cherry pit near him (I think he tried and then spit out the one I picked up). I was just wondering what the signs of trouble are if there are any and if there is anything I need to feed him to make the cherry pit (don't know if it is whole or in pieces) pass through easier.  Thanks.

Dear Chris,

It's doubtful he actually ate the pit.  I've known rabbits to eat a cherry pit to get the sweet part off, but they always spit out the pit.

He should be all right, but keep a close eye on him just to be sure.  Plenty of hay and fresh, wet greens will help anything in there pass through.  The main danger of pits from the rose family fruits is that they can contain cyanide, which is certainly not something you want your bunny ingesting.  Always keep fruit pits away from your bunny for this reason.

Hope that helps.
