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Bonding/constant nipping

22 9:51:22

Hi Dana.  I have bonded most of our rescues over the years.  We still have some singles and I was finally able to bond one with a new one.  That aside, I am trying to bond a few more in pairs so I can lessen the number of pens.  If it doesn't work, it doesn't work and our bunnies are here for keeps even if they're singles.

What I'd like to know is should I keep 'at it' if one or two particular wants to nip/bite a new one?  I've had them in the tub, even other areas and still she wants to turn her head and bite the other one.  The 'other one' hates it of course and either wants to bite back or go sit by himself and feel scared.  I hate seeing that.  The biter just acts like the other one's not there and looks like she's wondering why she's not back in her pen.

I don't like the new one getting bitten (no damage done except pain I imagine).  I stop the bonding as it's her MO and figure she's unbondable.  I have another female bunny that does this too, so it stops me from trying with her as well.  She is very large and I don't want her inflicting physical damage on a smaller one.

What's your opinion?
The large girl lost her partner well over a year ago and I've always wanted to re-bond her.  


Dear Paula,

I never force a bond if one bunny insists on being nippy.  It might be that she's not bondable, but it could also be that she just hasn't met Mr. Right.  He's out there, perhaps, but she's just picky.  And who can argue with her?

I'd rather have a singlebun than a bunny in an unhappy bond that's tenuous and always about to break.  So my opinion, since you asked, is:  don't push it.  Let the bunnies decide.

But that's just my two cents.

Good luck!
