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My rabbits dandruff

22 10:54:30

Hello, my rabbit is a Lop Eared and is around 5 years old. For a couple of weeks now i have noticed that his fur is coming out,you can just pull it out with your fingers but its only in one spot on the top of his back.I started to brush him thinking it was because he fur was getting in a mess but i have noticed that on his skin and on his fur there are white bits that look like dandruff, again its only in the one spot where his fur is coming out. What do you think it is and what are the white bits?

Thanks from natasha

Dear Natasha,

Your description sounds like a typical case of fur mites (Cheyletiella parasitivorax).  Fortunately, these are easily and safely treated with Revolution (selamectin) from your trusted rabbit vet.  You can find a rabbit vet here if you don't already have one:

and read more about abnormal fur loss causes and treatments here:

DO NOT use Frontline on a rabbit, as it can be deadly.  

Hope this helps!
