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rabbit biting himself

22 9:51:25

recently i noticed a scab on my rabbits back and now another has appeared on the opposite side i have watched him biting himself on his back around these points and this is all i can put my finger on to be causing these marks why would he be doing this? he eats and drinks well and gets out regularly around the house.


two things it could be off the top of my head.

One, he may have something on him that is bugging him.  Mites, fleas or something along this line.  Regular rabbit grooming doesn't bite skin and make sores. Generally this is seen when they are suffering from mites or fleas that are causing them a lot of grief.  Also make sure the scab isn't a tick or something like that.

Other thing it could be is that he's not getting enough attention that he's normally used to from you. If your time habits have changed with him he might be self-immolating.  

Either way you needto get him in to a good rabbit vet.  You don't want those areas becoming infected (and they most likely will) and causing more problems for him by generally weakening his immune system.  

If you need to find a good rabbit vet go here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.