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female bun pulls out and eats carpet

22 11:25:59

My female bun pulls out carpet fibers and eats them to the point of our carpet having bald spots. She is eating normally, goes to the bathroom just fine and shows no sign of being in distress. How can I get her to stop this? She has a male companion and plenty of toys and hiding places. She has also eaten holes in the sofa cushions and pulled out the fiberfill stuffing. She is altered, as is the male, but she has never had a litter. What is causing her to want to eat the carpet? I have cleaned it, deep-scrubbed it, tried different pet safe carpet powders, different pet repel products, diluted nailpolish remover and even chili powder... which it turned out she loved. HELP!

Bunnies usually eat carpeting because they like the resistance it gives them when pulling on it.  The only effective deterrent is to cover it with something like plexiglass.  You can try grass mats over the carpeting, sometimes that works.  But once you have a carpet chewer, they always do it.

I had one that liked jalapeno sauce that I tried.
