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Swollen Lip on Jersey Wooly

22 10:17:18

My daughter's Jersey Wooly is 4 months and as of this weekend has a bright red pea size, swollen (hair less) bump just below & to the right of her nose.  There appears to be no splinter nor any drainage.  Can we put an antibiotic ointment on it? Any ideas on what might cause this?

Dear Kim,

A lesion like this should be examined by an experienced rabbit vet:

It could be something as harmless as a wart or fibroma, or it could be something like a small abscess that needs treatment more serious than antibiotic ointment.

If you are in the UK, Europe, or Australia, and your rabbit is not vaccinated against myxomatosis, this could be an early sign, and the bunny must be treated with Equimune IV to have a chance of survival.  Even a vaccinated rabbit can show signs of myxomatosis, though a vaccinated bunny has a much better chance of survival.

My advice would be to get bun to a good vet for examination of the bump to be sure it's not something that needs treatment.

Hope this helps.
