Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > could my rabbit be pregnant?

could my rabbit be pregnant?

22 10:04:15


I got a lop-eared rabbit (Angel)last week who was supposed to be a boy but I suspect could be a girl, though I am still not 100 percent sure. Angel is around ten weeks old now and his/her belly feels a bit round,and I was wondering if this could mean she was pregnant?

If so, she must have gotten pregnant before I got her, and I know that generally rabbits aren't fertile until at least 3 months of age, but I was wondering if it is possible that she could have become fertile earlier and how I could tell whether she could be pregnant or not?

I am just asking because I noticed again today how her belly was quite rounded, but you could still feel her bones, and she is a fairly skinny rabbit.



Dear Kiralee,

There's no simple way to tell if a rabbit is pregnant, and some baby bunnies will have a very round tummy, even if they are thin.  If in doubt about her health, get her to a good rabbit vet:

who can palpate her or even do ultrasound to be sure there are no babies.  But it's extremely doubtful she could be pregnant so very young.  Gestation is 28-31 days, so if you've had her that long, then it's very unlikely that she's pregnant.

I hope this helps.
