Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > I found a wild baby cottentail rabbit

I found a wild baby cottentail rabbit

22 11:19:04

I found this baby rabbit last night & Petsmart was closed so I fed it milk in an eyedropper.  This morning I went to Petsmart & got all the necessary stuff for the rabbit to be in his new cage.  The rabbit has been sleeping majority of the day today.  What are some symptoms so I know what to watch for incase it starts to dye? PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!

Baby rabbits require special care.  You can find information on how to do this at

You can get KMR at Petsmart, which will work for baby rabbits.  Cottontails wean at 3-4 weeks of age.  Their eyes open at 10 days.  

And yes, they spend the majority of their time sleeping, rabbits are generally up at sunrise and sunset and spend most of the rest of their time sleeping.

If he won't eat, or starts to bloat, or gets too chilled he is likely to die.  

Check out the information, it gives you the procedures on what to do for baby bunnies.
