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My Rabbit tries to mat with me!!!!!!!!!!!

22 10:16:38

i have a dwarf rabbit that's about 2 months old and he licks me, follows my foot and me, flip flops around and tries to impress me ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!! i don't know if he is lonely or he thinks he has found his soul mate (me). Please help me i need your advice.

All by itself, the licking thing is pretty nice and usually a sign of affection.  However, he might be hitting puberty and he's decided you're the love of his life.  Some other behaviors he may start doing are little nips, honking at you, circling around your feet, and at some unfortunate time, spraying.  Some rabbits get so driven by their hormones that all they think about is sex, sex, sex, sex.  And if you're the object of his affection, they can be downright unbearable.

If you can see his testicles, it's time to take him into a vet for a snip.  

He will be a much more enjoyable rabbit to be around when he's neutered.  It can take a month for the hormone to completely get out of his system.  But then he should be much calmer, and won't engage in any inappropriate sexually driven behaviors.

This document answers some of the common questions about neutering:

good luck