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not eating papaya tablets

22 9:50:23

Hi Dana,
i have a 2 year cross breed rabbit with long fur. I feed her orchard grass hay and pellets and 2/3 papaya tablets a day with fresh water daily.
Papaya tablets used to be her favorite treat, and she will usually eat them all up once offered by me and sometimes beg for more.
A couple of days ago, she stopped eating much papaya tablets. now i have to do alot of prompting before i can get her to eat at least 1 papaya tablet. However, she is still eating her hay and pellets and drinking normally. Her appetite is also normal and her poop is regular.i have also checked her mouth area, and there's no drooling etc.
Do you know why she is behaving like this? is there any way to get her to start eating her papaya tablets again? or is there other ways to prevent wool block? should i give her fresh papayas daily instead of her papaya tablets? or should i just stick with hay and water?

thank you

Dear Abigail,

In my opinion, papaya tablets are little more than candy.  Certainly not the best way to prevent "wool block", which is really rare in rabbits, anyway.  

Is this a new batch of tablets?  Maybe they have gone bad?

If she continues to have picky eating habits, it would be wise to have her checked by a rabbit-savvy vet:

just to be safe, and to be sure she doesn't have any dental problems (e.g., molar spurs) that could be contributing to her odd behavior.  Please see:

Hope this helps.
