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HELP! bunny tears

22 9:52:06

I have a 1 and a half girl pet rabbit and she's a mixed breed i believe it's called.

Today when I woke up and was about to clean her house, as i do everyday, i noticed she had wet fur around only one of her eyes, but no sign that it was coming from her eyes, so i just put some water in my hands and tried cleaning around the eye, thinking something had fallen on it since today the girl who comes and cleans my grandmother's house was working here and i thought maybe she had spilled something near by and had splashed on her -a bit of overthinking but still-, then dried the wet parts with a cloth.
She then spent the day outside, later i brought her inside and i noticed her hair was a bit more dry but not so wet, i then went out of the house and when i was about to refill her food for the night i noticed she had again wet fur around her eye, so i just cleaned it with my hand. After a while i started thinking how weird it was so i checked it with a small flashlight and noticed some milky kind of sticky thing in her eye, so i cleaned it with a cloth.
She's always had some kind of rheum? or eye boogers in the mornings, so i usually just take them off, but i had never seen so many tears. Her temper's the same, she runs, she plays, she licks my hand -which she doesn't do when she's mad or something's wrong- and is eating and drinking and going to the bathroom in her usual ways, also i didn't notice any lumps or inflammation on her cheecks or teeth, so this is why i don't know how bad it may be and why i'm looking for help here...
Thank you so much for your time! i hope my description can help, since i'm from costa rica and there are no bunny specialized vets down here i like to check the web first...

Dear Karla,

Your bunny may have been slowly developing tooth root problems that have gradually been narrowing her tear duct, and now one of them has been completely occluded.  The milky liquid you see are just bunny tears, which are often white (but not thick).  Please read:


I don't think we have any rabbit vet listings in Costa Rica, but please check here:

If you can find a vet who is willing to learn how to check the molars and tooth roots, or who knows how to do a tear duct flush safely on a rabbit, this would be a good starting point.  Ophthalmic antibiotic drops (no steroids) can help, if this is due to a tear duct infection or bacterial overgrowth.

I hope this helps.
