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Rabbit eats Dog Kibble

22 11:16:13

Hi Dana,

Thank you for your previous answers regarding my rabbit's ear infection and head tilt.  Her head is still slightly tilted but she no longer rolls uncontrollably and she is otherwise happy and healthy.  

Now I have another question, the rabbit loves our puppy and insists on sharing his kibble with him.  I know we can take her away so she doesn't nibble but is it harmful to her? She only gets one or two pieces at a time and she is quite unhappy when I try to take her away.  What do you think?

Dear Tracy,

Dog food is very high in protein, which will put a strain on the kidneys of an herbivore such as a rabbit. But if she truly gets only one or two little kibbles a day, then I am guessing that her system will be able to handle it.

Just be sure she gets plenty of fresh timothy hay available at all times, has lots of fresh, clean water in a crock, and a good, big salad of dark greens every day.  That should help to balance things out.

Hope this helps.
