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brazilian rabbits

22 9:59:02

You received a question about a Brazilian rabbit purchased at at pet store and indicated someone was "pulling her leg". However, there is a breed of domestic Brazilian rabbit ( and dark blue eyes are characteristic as is a very gentle temperament). I was a Peace Corps volunteer in that country and imported them into the US in 1980 upon my return. I would be more than happy to communicate with anyone curious about the breed. Sincerely, Kathleen Blair, Ph.D.


thanks for the info, I had done some rudimentary digging around and hadn't seen anything.  Given that the advice pet store people give folks about rabbits varies greatly and is more than often, wrong, along with not finding much about it as usually your average pet store does not import rabbits from foreign countries but rather is supplied by local US breeders gettign rid of less than superior specimens, that was the basis for my answer.

Glad to know however there is such a rabbit out there and another expert has some hands-on experience with that breed.