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Rabbit- Lesions

22 10:58:09

Harvey is a 6.5 yr old Flemmie.  Has had headtilt for just about 5 yrs.  Overall health and behavior is good.  Recently found what I thought were several bite marks.  Had my vet check him on Tuesday and she does not believe these are bites. However, as of right now we are still in the research phase. I do have a decent digital picture if it would be of any help.
Many Thanx,

Dear Rick,

A very sharp digital picture would help.  But the real question is:  Is he exposed to anything that might bite him?  Do you mean insect bites, or the bite from another mammal?

Are the lesions infected?  Where are they located?

I will be better able to help you with pictures and more information.  Please send to

Hope I can help.
