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rabbit health-please help

22 9:58:27

hi,ihave a 4 year old male rabbit called misty.he has been having his teeth trimmed every few weeks since we got him because they grow abnormaly(top teeth are behind bottom they turn outwards and overgrow).the vet we were with up until he was 2.5 years old told us that rabbits dont do well under sedation so they wouldnt advise on having the operation to have them removed.when he was three we changed vets and just recently they told us about the operation and to have a think about it.i do want him to have it so he isnt going through the stress of having them trimmed every month but i am just really worried as he has had anesthetic twice before(for his eyes and teeth) and the last one he took a while to come round from it.would it be safe for him to have the op.i love him so much and couldnt forgive myself if anything happened.he is my baby.please help,thanks.

Each animal is different.  It the new vet is experienced with rabbits I would tend to trust him.  Rabbits do not tolerate anesthesia very well but if you have found a doctor that is willing to extract the teeth I would personally choose to do it.  In the long run it will cause the bunny a lot less stress.

Good luck
