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Is there any such thing as Fuzzy Hollands?

22 9:58:27

One of my friends has a American Fuzzy Lop, and I am soon getting a Holland Lop (maybe?). She wants to breed them and sell them, but I am hesitant because I know there are already a lot of kits out their that need homes. (we have taken care of a pregnant rabbit before)

But if we were going to, is there really a mix of a American Fuzzy Lop and Holland Lop? She said someone said they were called Fuzzy Hollands but she wasn't sure either. So if we ever were going to mate them would it be better if I just got another American Fuzzy Lop?

Dear Kendra

There are all kinds of hybrid rabbits, since people seem to think it's fun to breed them.  And yes, baby rabbits are adorable.  But before you consider breeding your bunnies, please read this extremely important information:

I think that will give you all the best information you need about breeding your rabbits.  

I hope this helps!
