Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Torn Ear - Dwarf Rabbit

Torn Ear - Dwarf Rabbit

22 9:46:07

Dear Pam,

I have an 8 year old dwarf rabbit. Her health is good and she is fine and lively. This morning I noticed a torn ear, a small part of it is still hanging but I guess it will soon drop off. I was shocked when I saw her, but she seems fine. The tear is way up her ear, almost half way her ear, so I do not think this is interfering with her hearing. I do not know how it happened and I do not know what to do, she is fine and is acting normally. There is no sign of bleeding. I think she might have scratched her ear with her hands or legs and torn it but I am not sure.

Can you please advise? Is it serious? Should I go to a vet if I see her act strangely?


Hi Marisa,

Unless she is acting out of the ordinary I wouldn't worry to much about it.  We have had rabbits with missing ears before.  As long as it is not bleeding and you don't notice any signs of infection there is not much anyone can do for it.  Keep in mind that rabbits are prey animals and if they are in pain they will not let you know.  You have to watch for subtle hints and changes in behavior.  

Good luck
