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Shaking Rabbit

22 10:20:28

My name is Amber, I am 15 years old and panicing!My rabbit is a 7 years old netherland dwarf and he is shaking, what could be wrong with him? I accedently applied slight downward pressure between his shoulder blades and back when I went grab him, because he was excaping. He seemed fine after the pressure and when I picked him back up. Then, I set him down to run him on the carpet. He started shaking. It has been forty minutes since then, and he is shaking less, but still shaking. Should I be concerned, or will it pass. He seems to be shaking less and less. He is not limping, he is not lathergic. He doesn't seem in any pain. And ran around fine, minus the shaking. Did I just scare him really bad? Please help, Amber

It does sound like you may have scared him or even hurt him a little bit, because he is an older rabbit, he is not going to bounce back like a younger one would and the shaking might be a reaction to the adrinaline rush he had when you picked him up.  However because I am not a vet nor can I actually phsyically see the animal, i do suggest you keep a very close eye on him for the next 24-48 hours.  If at any time you notice him not eating, drinking, or acting lethargic, call a vet and try to take him in immediately.  Rabbits can decline fast and at his age you have to be extra careful.

Good Luck