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Mini-Rex Grooming

22 9:50:32

Hello, I just purchased a Mini-Rex today and I have no clue how to groom it! I am not in 4-h and I don't plan to be, I just want her to be clean and comfortable.. To start off, I have heard I am not supposed to brush my bunny because of the different hair lengths (she is a short-haired black and white baby). I also heard I need to use MainNTail shampoo, but can I use like Suave too (the shampoo I would normally use..) one last question: HOW do I bathe her? Use the removable shower head and wet/rinse her in warm water or fill the tub an inch and put her in it?

Dear Cedes,

First:  NEVER bathe a healthy rabbit.  It can be so stressful as to cause death!  Please read:

Rabbits do not really need to be groomed unless they are shedding, and then they can be rubbed gently with your own damp hands to remove loose fur.  On a Rex, you won't have much luck with a comb or brush.  But damp hands will do wonders to keep bun soft and free of shedding.

Hope this helps.
