Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My 3 month old bunny

My 3 month old bunny

22 9:55:50

My pet bunny has protruding lump (could be cut/scab skin ) on
his nose... Has been there for a few weeks now and is getting
worse and larger. I thought it might fall off over time. Not
sure what it is. Please help :(

Dear Connie,

There are so many possibilities here that it's impossible for me to guess without seeing the bunny.  If your bunny has not been vaccinated against myxomatosis, this could be a lesion of that deadly virus.  I hope he has been vaccinated, because this would help him survive.

It could be an abscess, a tumor, a lesion from rabbit syphilis (Treponema cuniculi; not contagious to humans)...many possibilities.  So please find a good rabbit vet here:

and get bun in for a complete checkup and treatment, as the vet deems necessary.

Hope this helps.
