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My Bunny has been strange

22 9:50:16

My boyfriend and  had went and bought a bunny, and since we had her, she'd lick us and groom us, now that she is older she doesn't seem to have that habbit anymore.
We also went and bought her a large cage because we don't want her going behind our t.v to bite anymore wires.  But lately, I've noticed when I go to feed her, (this has happened about twice, maybe three ti
mes) she'll nip/bite my hand.  And she has never done this. And I feel so horrible because it hurt me and I ended up givig her a tap on the rump. This is the first time that this has ever happened, she made a grunting noise and when I went to go see if she was okay, she lunged at my hand in a way.  You see we normally let her run around, I also have a habit of giving Boo lots of attention, such as picking her up and cuddling her, kissing her, snuggling her and letting her lie on my chest while I pet her.  I felt so horrible all because she surprised me.
She is such a lovely bunny, we love her so much, and when we first got her she had an infected haunch, but with the right medication we got her better...

I feel so horrible, that was the firt and last time it's happened.  :(... I  just want to get this temper she's suddenly developing to subside and be the lovely little lady we got the first time.  We truly spoil, love, and try to let her have as much freedom around the home.

What can I do to show her we still care? Because I am a bit nervous she'll bite or something along those lines.

Hi Meaghan,

Have you ever heard of bunny teenage years?  This is the time that most of them end up in shelters and it is because of this very behavior.  Female rabbits that are not spayed will become very protective of their cage.  This is where they would nest if they were to have babies.  They don't really like anyone violating this space.  The best way to combat this behavior is to get her spayed.  It will still take about a month to get all the hormones out of her system but she should have a reduction in the protective behavior.  The other thing you can do is to let her come out of the cage on her own.  This will help her ensure that the cage is her area and not yours.  

Bunnies are prey animals and the behaviors they display are just their own way of protecting the continuance of their species.  It is just natural instinct for them to be protective of their nesting area.

Good luck
