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Rabbit: cone collar from vet

22 10:30:00

hi there. I just picked up my pet rabbit from the vet after his pin was taken
out of his leg and they placed a cone on his head because he was licking the
wound soo much. Problem is they dont make cones small enough for 5 month
old dwarf rabbits, so they used xray paper. It doesnt appear to be exposed
but has a sort of film covering and he licks and bites at it. Im convinced that
this stuff cant be healthy for him to be ingesting. Do you know anything about
this practice or if my little guy is safe licking this stuff? There are patches of
the paper i can see through now. Thanks soo much for any help.

Hi Lauren,

well, I am not certain of what all chemicals and such are on xray paper.  I would hazard a guess as to say they probably cannot harm him, as vets and nurses touch and handle these all the time with bare hands.  I would call the vet office and ask them to make sure there isn't a problem, but tell them he's licked some areas clear, and if it poses any problem for him.

I do know he must need it, the vet would not have customized a cone if he didn't.  If you have antibiotic ointment for the wound, make sure you put it on as directed once or twice a day.  If you dont have anything from the vet, you can use any one of the following: regular Bag Balm, preparation H, or regular neosporin (NOT the plus type!).
