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rabbits help

22 11:21:33

Thank you Sarah,for the first e-mail It help alot.But, this morning my son let my shepard dog out. my dog Exile, get the babies rabbits Kill one of them. I find the four babies rabbits. But them back in there nest.My question is. Will the mama rabbit come back to feed her babies. If not, want should i do than. Thank you again for helping me with my promble.

She probably will still come back to feed them. Try not to disturb them any more, though. Thankfully, mother rabbits are not too picky about smell. As long as her babies are still in the nest, she should come back and feed them. Once you are sure they are gone, though, you might want to really mess up and destroy the nest area so she is not tempted to come back to it for her next litter of babies.