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ingesting a foreign object

22 9:45:16

MY 2 year old female albino rex just ate a small amount of a wine cork, probably this afternoon, and appears to be in some discomfort. She has not eaten her evening meal of fresh greens like she always waits for. Is this an "emergency concern", or will this pass in the feces within the next few hours?  Please answer ASAP!

Hi Earl,

Because wine cork will expand in the stomach, this could cause an intestinal blockage in a rabbit.  Rabbit's cannot physically vomit, so the only way they can get any food or foreign objects through their system is via the intestinal tract.  When our rabbits have a fur block we give them a few cc's of pineapple juice orally with a medicine syringe to help break it up, I'm not sure how this would work with a wine cork but it certainly can't hurt to try.  Very small droppings, runny stool or the complete absence of droppings over the next few hours would be a sure sign of a blockage.  Any blockage of fur or other objects can actually cause a complete shut-down of the intestinal tract which can be detrimental to a bunny's health.  If she hasn't had a normal stool and is still showing signs of discomfort by morning, you should consider it a medical emergency and contact your vet ASAP.  A blockage of 12 hours or more can cause bloat and death in a rabbit:(  Best wishes for a quick recovery for your rex!