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my bunny: runny nose

22 9:51:08

my bunny is still little. I'm not positive on how old she is but she has some sort of cold or something. I have a feeling that its ether a cold or some sort of allergies. I'm not sure. She has some mucus on her nostrils and i tried wiping it away with a q-tip with warm water on it. it helped a little but then it was back the next day. is there a way to get it better without having to go to the vet to put her on antibiotics?

Dear Aidan,

A runny nose can be serious in a small baby rabbit, and I would strongly urge you to get her to a rabbit-experienced veterinarian.  Please find one here:

Upper respiratory infection can become worse, and a little rabbit with a new immune system is not going to be able to fight this as well as an adult.  You don't want to lose her, so err on the side of caution and have a good rabbit vet take a look.

I hope this helps.
