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4 month old not eating greens, at ALL

22 10:06:00

QUESTION: Hi, Patricia.
I emailed you when my Mimi had a stroke this past summer.  With your advice and other I found online, she did very well.  Sadly, just under three weeks ago, while at my daughter's house, she had a much more massive stroke and died within 24 hours.
And, I thought I wouldn't have another bunny, until I found a girl who was on her way to the shelter if not taken in one nigh, one week ago.  So, I took her (Gigi) in.
Gigi is 4 months old, was a "cage" bunny for all of her life, and her past owner really didn't know much, at all, about caring for, especially feeding, buns.  When I took Gigi, I was given all of her things, which included alfalfa (yes, still), pellets, a cage (filthy, with 4 inches of old, dirty PINE litter and poop in the bottom), a water bottle, some pre-packaged treats, and a bowl.  That was it.
Now, Gigi has full run of my house.  It took her a few days to trust me, but she seems to love me now-- she even sleeps IN my bed at night!  
When it comes to food, though;  I have tried to feed her lettuce, parsley, kale, collards, spinach, and cilantro (all of these, Mimi would scarf-down since in my care), and I don't get it.  Gigi will not eat ANY of this.  I tried apple slices (fresh and dried), fresh banana, and pears.  Nope, nothing. She did try one very small piece of dried pineapple, once.. won't eat it again.  Same goes for papaya.  She does like the papaya tablets, but not fresh or dried papaya.
when I was cleaning out her cage, I found potato chips in it!  Do you think, because she was given terrible junk-food, that she will only now eat that or hay and pellets?  I won't be feeding her chips or anything like that, so, the question is:  Is there anything I can do to make her eat something (anything) fresh?  I am about at my witt's end on this one..
Anything you can advise will be appreciated.  

ANSWER: Hi Anne. I am saddened to hear of Mimi's death. I had so hoped that she would be here for a long time to come. I am glad to see that you have a new friend though, and hope this will be a long and happy relationship for the two of you. Now, to get Gigi to sample the delights of fresh food! You might try drying some of the greens for her first, and give them to her in the form of hay which she is used to. After she is used to the taste of these things dried then try again with the fresh food.  Other than that I would say to just keep offering them to her, but she may never appreciate them. I have a horse that will not eat anything but his hay and grain. He snorts at apples, carrots and other treats that I try to share with him. He wants no part of it, but OH! the smell of a pop can...... now that interests him!  It is good to hear from you and I wish you lots of luck with this.   Pat

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: That's funny, Pat.  Would i just hang them (like I would flowers) to dry?  I had considered that but wasn't sure that we wouldn't have a problem with bacteria, but think it makes sense.

Oh, re: your horse and pop, Gigi has ALSO been trying to get to my diet-cokes so I only buy in a bottle now and Keep that CAP on!  I don't think aspertame would be good for a bunny.
Thanks again for everything, regarding Mimi AND GIgi..

Hi Anne. I agree with you that you could have a bacteria problem if you just hang the greens, unless of course you have a wood stove that you could hang them over. I suggest that you put them loosely on a baking pan and put them on the lowest setting for your oven. Leave the door cracked and they should dry rather quickly. I really hope that this will draw her attention.  pat