Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > growly bunny

growly bunny

22 11:36:17

 i was wondering if you could help...
 my male bunny (whom i got last september) is going through his first Molt, (i think thats spelt right) and lately hes been growling and whimpering when i go to pick him up out of his run/hutch, hes normally very friendly.
 Is this normal? i thought maybe it was a territorial thing and maybe wanting a mate, but if you could help me anymore than this it would be great :D
 His name is silent Bobby...but hes not very silent at the moment!! :D
 thanks for your help!

Did you get Bobby as a baby?  He could be hitting his sexual maturity, these are behaviors that are commonly seen in rabbits at that age.

If you get him neutered, he will stop doing that, and then if you want to get him a buddy, they will get along together much better because he won't constantly be trying to mate with the partner.
