Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Single or Pair

Single or Pair

22 11:23:56

Some people say two rabbits will fight, some people say a pair is best.Should I get 1 rabit or 2 ready bonded rabbits?If 2 then do I get 2 from the same litter, or what?Also do I get 2 neutered boys, 2 spayed girls, or 1 neutered boy and 1 spayed girl?Finally what is the best age?Please reply soon.

Dear Dani,

Rabbits love the company of their own kind, yet they are *very* picky about the mates they will allow into their territory.  Once they're bonded, however, rabbits make such strong connections that I've known of a rabbit to grieve to death over losing a mate.  Once two rabbits are bonded, they should *never* be separated, even for trips to the vet, or even if one is sick.  ALWAYS together.

Yes, newly introduced rabbits will often fight, especially if they are the same sex.  The best way to avoid the grief of this mess is to *adopt* a bonded pair from your local rabbit rescuer.  The fosterer will know the rabbits' personalities, they will already be spayed and neutered (which would cost you upwards of $400, total, if you had to have it done yourself for two rabbits), and there is very little chance that they will ever fight.

Rabbits of any age are fine, as long as they are already bonded.  Trust me:  You *don't* want to try this yourself if you've never bonded rabbits before.   It can take  *months*, and if the two rabbits you happen to get just don't like each other (which often happens), then you'll *never* get them to bond.

So take my tip:  Go to and click on the "chapters" button to find the rabbit rescuer closest to you, and contact that person to adopt a bonded pair.  You'll be glad you did!