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bladder problems or vindictive?

22 10:29:50

I have two rabbits; one is a mini lop whose name is Daisy, and a lion-head called Violet. We have had Daisy for almost 3 months now and Violet for about 3 weeks. I had Daisy almost completely litter boxed trained, with few accidents, but now that I have Violet and am trying to litter box train her, they both have gone crazy! They are pooping and peeing all over the house, sometimes in the same spots and other times just randomly. They have been looked at by the vet and are fine, but they will NOT contain their poop to the box. There are 3 different litter boxes located around the house and they are cleaned frequently. Daisy on many occasions will look at you and poop or pee. What's going on with them?

Hi Terri,

my gut reaction is that they are both sexually mature and not yet spayed.  Two females who are marking (and overmarking) their territories.  And particulary Daisy, who was there first.  You brought another female rabbit into a female's territory.  This is why she's marking, to tell the second one this is her turf.  The seocnd one is marking because she wants some spacefor herself.

You need to confirm with a good rabbit vet (make sure they are old enough, older than 5-6 months, and sexually mature) and schedule them to be spayed.  This will greatly reduce this kind of marking.  It would be good for both to be done around the same time so they recover at the same time.  Wait 6 weeks for hormone levels to drop to their new lower levels, and begin the formal process of bonding them.  Otherwise you don't have to bond them, if you are going to give them separate areas of the house and keep them separate.

Start looking for a good rabbit vet (not all are) that has high success rates (over 99%) for surgeries. Start here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.
