Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > dwarf bunny not eating or pooping

dwarf bunny not eating or pooping

22 9:53:23

i have a year old male orange dwarf bunny that recently has not eaten, not urining, and not having bowel movements. its been about 4-5 days and now has lost weight. he is very well taken care of and do not understand what is going on with him...

Dear Michelle,

You must not wait even one more day to get your bunny to the vet.  When a rabbit acts like this, it is an emergency, and could quickly become life-threatening.  Please read these articles for emergency instructions on how to support him and try to start therapies until you can get him to a good rabbit vet:

You can find a rabbit vet here:

You should get him there first thing in the morning, as this is very serious.  Please don't take it lightly!

I hope he will be okay.
