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Rabbits giving birth

22 11:15:25


Hi Sheila,

Just wanted to let you know that our gorgeous Ellie has finally given birth to 3 more babies.  2 were still borns and the other one was not formed properly.  So in total she had 2 still borns and one that was not formed. The total delivery time was 24 hours.  Feel so sad for her as she sat in the nest all day today - obviously waiting for the others to come out.  We have taken the dead babies away.  Would you try to breed again or would you think that she can't do it.  Really would love your thoughts on the situation.  Love the idea of trying again but do not want her to go through this traumatic experience again.

Thanks, Leisa (Sydney Australia)
Followup To

Question -
Hi I have a beautiful grey rabbit that is about 8-9 months old.  We mated it with a friends male rabbit and she became pregnant.  Yesterday morning we woke up and she had lined the nest with her fur so we knew that it wouldn't be too long before she had her babies.  We woke up this morning and found a baby near the opening of the cage and no other babies in the nest.  Is she still in labour and having more or could she just had the one.  Need some advise as we are really sad that she just might have had the one stillborn.  She had cleaned it and not eaten any of it.  Should I take her up to the vet?  Thanks and await your answer.  Thanks, Leisa

Answer -
Leisa,  I suggest you mate her again as soon as possible, if she has a kit stuck the mateing will help, if not then the mateing will avoid problems with mastitis.  Sometimes a first mateing is unproductive - but at least you know that both rabbits are fertil. When you remate her let her be with the buck for three hits.


As soon as possible - often a first pragnancy - specially in a doe as old as yours ( prefiered first breeding is at 5 months for a large rabbit - 130 days for a mini breed )- is unsuccesful or has problems.  Try again - the second should work out fine.  Give her a lot of loveing !
