Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my bunny has bumps.........

my bunny has bumps.........

22 11:15:24

Hello, my name is Chris Williams as you already probably know. but i have a big problem.  my bunny has bumps on her outer front legs and they are getting bigger. one is the size of a marble and the other one is over 3 times as big as the other one.  i feel that this is a serious problem. i want to take her to the vet but honestly i dont have the money to pay for it.... i am getting really scared for her.... please tell me what could cause this problem and how could i fix this. Thank you Very Much!

To really find out what they are you really do need a vet to look at her.  She could have an abscess, she could have fatty tumors (which are just lumps of fat that old animals get), it could be cancer, it's really not possible to tell.

Are they hard, or soft?  Do you see any hole or are they closed over?  Do they bleed or ooze?

I think you are right, she needs to be looked at, and depending on the problem she may need antibiotics or a needle biopsy.
