Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > female -breeding

female -breeding

22 10:38:02

I have a female dwarf rabbit about 6 month old. She is an indoor pet and has never been around other rabbits. I think she is getting close to the matting time. She is taking part of her fur from her paws. What can I do to make her feel comfortable during this time? How to stop her from taking off her fur? Do rabbits menstruate? What signs can I look for? Your feedback is appreciated. Thanks

Dear Arcadia,

If your bunny is suffering from false pregnancies, she will pull fur from her sides and chest, but not her paws.  If she's suffering from fur loss on her paws, please read:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

Now that she's reaching puberty, it is time to consider scheduling her spay.  Unbred, unspayed females have a very high risk of uterine and mammary cancer that spaying removes and/or reduces.  Please read:

Rabbits do not menstruate, and you can get more information here:

Hope this helps.
