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pet lop rabbit

22 10:19:00

I have taken over the care of our school rabbit. He has lived for a few years in a hutch in our school garden. In the spring I bought a new hutch for my backyard and moved him in. He also is in a comfy cage in the kitchen when the weather gets too warm. My question is: why would his fur been coming out in chunks at this time of the year (fall)? He has done this every year and I help him along by gently pulling it out. Have I hurt his body temp. by keeping him cool all summer? He is very healthy, hops all around our house, eats well, but doesn't seem to drink much from his water bottle. Please tell me what you think.

Hello Peg

There is nothing wrong with your bunny.  This is the time of year that they lose their fur.  Generally anywhere between July and October they will blow their coat.  Some of them will just lose a few strands of hair here and there and others will lose nearly all of their fur.  Often times they look like they have a reverse mohawk.  I assure you that it is not just you.  

The best thing to do during molt is to ensure that the bunny always has unlimited grass hay (should have all the time anyway) and make sure he is getting a proper diet.  Molt can be very stressful for rabbits and some will not eat as much.  With the excess hair coming out in clumps they can get fur in their stomach.  It is very rare for a rabbit to have true fur block but it is best to give lots of extra hay during the molting.  You can also give fresh papaya or papaya pills.  

I hope this has answered your question.

