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small white pimple on gums

22 9:46:54

hi my rabbit recently had a dental checkup by a rabbit savvy vet, but during this checkup my rabbit really didn't like it and struggled quite a bit. this happened a week ago and when i went home i realised the side of my rabbit's gums were swollen due to her struggling. the vet gave us painkillers for the bunny and the rabbit is eating/ drinking normally. however now, the swelling on one side (the side that she struggled more) has not fully recovered but has gone done by abit. & there is a very small white colored pimple like bump on the gum that i had just noticed. could that be a small abscess? will this escalate into a more serious problem?
Thank you for your time


I would keep giving the painkiller as long as it lasts.  If it is metacam it will also help reduce swelling as well.  Keep watching it, and I would also make the vet aware of the issue so they can give you any advice and also this keeps your vet in the loop.  As long as drinking and eating are okay and it doesn' t appear to be getting worse, things are alright and what is needed is time for healing.  If she stops eating or drinking or it is just only looking worse, then it's to the vet again.